Thursday, November 8, 2012


People have two bits of short sightedness when it comes to courage. I think a lot of this is due courage and bravery and heroism being over attributed these days.

Courage requires an action. That's not a popular position since we like to think of people who simply endure as brave and heroic but frankly that's not true. To simply suffer is not brave. To choose to continue to suffer as a choice, for a reason...that's different but there is a common denominator. There is a moment when you decide to do something that possibly will cost you, something that honestly makes little sense to the logical mind but is simply what is right. For some reason people aren't comfortable with this. Perhaps they think it sounds boastful, perhaps they never see it in themselves, perhaps they think that heavy stew of emotional actions is uncomfortable to own but for what ever the reason, people are a lot more comfortable with owning actions that are really

Let's take Minerva for example.

People LOVE the moment when she awakens the statues. She is getting her upper lip stiffened and putting stuff in motion but seeing how she is slightly giddy is telling you that this is honestly just a logical choice. The bad guys are coming and they are ready to make war. She knows the spell, she's putting the defenses in place to try to win. This really isn't particularly brave...this is just good sense. Put all your pieces out on the board. This shows why this lady was (as rumor has it) almost sorted Ravenclaw.

Now let's talk about the less funny, less comfortable moment that is hers. When she shoves Harry Potter out of her way to draw down on Snape. This is courage. She is potentially offering her life for Harry. Being a smart woman, she knows she is starting a war and even if she wins, she might die. Even if she wins and doesn't die, people she loves WILL die...that's what war is. She does it anyway because it's right and it's what she needs to do. This is showing why she's the leader of the Griffondors.

Tossing up a fairly undramatic but resolved restart post without stats (you know we will love you and cheer every victory anyway) shows that you know the only person who can hold you accountable, REALLY You have to make the choices to eat right, to do the workouts and become a better Jen. Clearly you've given it a bit of thought but it's equally clear this is something you *need* to do.

So, yea. You aren't doing the pragmatic thing. You are starting a fucking war lady!