I've not stopped blogging here, I just don't have a lot interesting to say right this moment. The racing season is over and I'm taking a week off of running to let the legs fully recover and I'm getting back to eating right to lose the remainder of the weight. Honestly the video that Doreen caught of me crossing the line in the most recent 5k is a great help. I look like I'm wearing a trash bag filled with jello...no, you can't see it. I'm still waiting for my addition to the RRCA's coach webpage and in a couple of days, it will officially be three weeks and time for me to get uppity about it. I need to do something with the website I am going to set up for coaching but that's just been on the back burner lately. We are now well under the thirty day mark for our trip to Walt Disney World and soon the packing will commence. It's too early to pack clothing and toiletries but not too early to start assembling some of the items that might otherwise be forgotten and that rookies don't think to take to a theme park.
So, life is good. Kuria Ba my friends.
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